Positive Impact Life's Solutions

Psalm 91. A powerful Psalm of protection. He who dwells in the secret place of the most high, shall abide under the shadows of the almighty. I will say of the lord that he is my refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble
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Life and this Purpose Driven Life as my channel is called Jewels purpose Driven Life and I’m going to actually change the name of my channel to God’s Purpose
Driven because it’s not mine to take it’s the Lord’s so all honor and Glory go onto the father because he’s the Prince of Peace he is the Mighty God.
he’s the Everlasting father he is our everything he is our everything and for every waking moment on this Earth we should be so grateful, and so thankful, and that is what we’re going to be doing
on this channel we’re just going to be having fun with the Lord we’re just going to be praising him and giving thanks and and just and just encouraging each other that’s the thing my channel
is about encouraging and and helping you to walk this walk of Faith so that you are secure in Jesus um am I speaking to someone today. good morning, good morning, how are you doing God bless bless you now this morning I want to read from Psalm 91 and if you’re a Christian you know that Psalm 91 is a very powerful. Psalm it is what we call the protection
Psalm and at any given time you come in my room my Bible is open into Psalm 91, and that’s why I see it as so fitting for me to start my first long video with Psalm 91 I love this Psalm I just love
this Psalm and it goes like this he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord he is my
refuge and my Fortress my God in him I
will trust surely he shall deliver You
From The Snare of the Fowler and from
the perilous pestilence he shall cover
you with his feathers and under his
wings you shall take
refuge his truth shall be your shield
and buckler his truth shall be your
shield and buckler you shall not be
afraid of the terror by night nor for
the arrow that flies by day nor for the
pestilence that walks in darkness nor
for the destruction that lay waste at
noon day A thousand shall fall at thy
side and 10,000 at your right hand but
it shall not come nigh thee Only With
Thine Eyes shalt thou behold and see the
reward of the wicked because you have
made the Lord who is my refuge even the
most high your dwelling place no evil
shall befall you nor shall any plague
Come N your dwelling for he shall give
his angels charge over you to keep you
in all your ways in their hands they
shall bear you up lest you dash your
foot against a stone you shall tread
upon the lion and the Cobra and the
Young Lion and the serpent you shall
trample on the foot just imagine you
trampling a lion that’s how much power
Our God
has and he will give us because he has
set his love upon me therefore I will
deliver him I will set him on high
because he has known my name he shall
call upon me and I will answer him I
will be with him in trouble I will
deliver him and honor him with long life
I will satisfy him and show him my
salvation amen amen amen now this
morning I want to look at vers 7 vers 7
it says a
thousand may fall at your side and
10,000 at your right hand a thousand may
fall at your side and 10,000 at your
hand now what does that mean what does
that mean that means when you put your
trust in the Lord and you’re walking
with him and he’s your everything thing
cuz you’re seeking him first you’re
doing all that he says you’re living by
his principles then guess what you can
conquer the enemy at any single time he
comes upon you what does the Bible says
that a thousand may fall at your side
and 10,000 at your right hand that it
means it doesn’t matter how many it’s
it’s just giving us a number and that’s
a large number to show 10,000 1,000 to
one person just imagine what you can do
if you have god with you to protect you
and guide you cuz you’re dwelling in the
secret place you’re dwelling in his
secret place so therefore when that time
comes and you find yourself in
trouble it could be a thousand it could
be 2,000 it could be 3,000 the Bible
says 10,000 it will not come near you
because what
only with your eyes You Shall Behold and
see the reward of the wicked so with all
them coming at you with all the with
with all the Demonic powers and with
with whatever the the devil is sending
your way it doesn’t matter what because
you’re dwelling with the Lord in his
secret place None Shall Come N you
because you are dwelling with the Lord
now this morning I just want to leave
that with you this is my first love
video that I’m make and making and I’m
hoping that this will bless somebody
today because this is what my channel is
all about blessing you encouraging you
motivating you in the Lord and helping
you in your walk and walk with in your
faithful walk now this morning I’m just
going to ask you kindly if you would
subscribe to my channel like my channel
share drop me a comment or two encourage
me as well because I need encouragement
too and tell tell you what you have a
wonderfully blessed day amen

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