God wants you to know that he’s not done with you. Fear not as he’s with you. Don’t give any ear to the enemy and his lies. Keep believing. #propheticwordfortodayfromgod #religiousprayer #youtube #motivation #prayer
hey good
morning I don’t know who God’s talking
to today but I know he’s talking to me
but he’s talking to somebody else he’s
using me as a conduit to give you a
message he says even though you’re going
through a valley he’s always with you
keep believing and that goes for me but
it also goes for you too I don’t know
who it is this morning I’m talking to
but just you remember if you trust in
him and giving you giving me your all he
is going to come through he may not be
today it wasn’t yesterday he may not be
today he may not be tomorrow it may be
next week it may be next month but tell
you what trust him and keep believing
keep doing what you’re doing keep
worshiping him keep seeking him keep
reading your Bible keep praying keep
believing I know the devil sometimes he
comes around and he tells you oh it’s
not going to happen happen God’s not
going to do anything for you you might
as well give up don’t listen to him
because the Bible says greater is he who
is in me than he that is in the world
and the one that’s in you is God and the
one that’s in the world is the devil and
he’s the one who is so ready to
speak but I want to tell you something
this morning I got up and I I’m going to
be honest with you I kind of felt a
little bit discouraged and I said Lord
give me a word and he put me in in
54 Isaiah 54 I kill you I kid you
not and there are so many things in
Isaiah 54 that speaks to my spirit this
morning and and know it’s speaking to
you too put yourself in Isaiah 54 I’m
going to read a couple of verses to tell
you exactly what the Lord is saying this
morning it says in verse 4 do not fear
for you will not be ashamed
so even though the devil is telling you
that it ain’t going to happen you ain’t
going to get that husband you know your
business is not going to take off your
children are not going to come to
anything he is a liar he’s a liar because the Bible says fear not for you will not be ashamed neither be disgraced for you will not be put to shame for you will forget the shame of your Youth and will not remember the reproach of your WI hood anymore do not listen to him because God is working your purpose out for your maker is your husband. verse 7 says for the Lord has called you verse six for the Lord has called you like a woman Forsaken and grieved in spirit like a youthful wife when you were refused says God verse 7for a mere moment I have forsaken you but with great great mercies I will gather you Hallelujah with great mercies. I will gather you with a little wrath I hid my face from you for a moment so even though you’re going through it and it feels like God’s not with you and he has forsaken you hear what he says it’s just for a moment hang on don’t give up verse 9 for this is like the Waters of Noah to me for as I have sworn that the Waters of Noah would no longer covered the Earth. Hallelujah so have Is worn that I will not be angry with you nor rebuke you Hallelujah hold on hold on Don’t Let The Devil tell you anything don’t let him tell you any thing for the mountains shall depart verse 10and the hills be removed but my kindness shall not depart from you for shall my. Covenant Covenant be peace of peace bere moved. verse 14 says in righteousness you shall not fear and from Terror for it shall not come near you indeed they shall surely assemble but not because of me whoever assembles against you you shall you shall fall for your sake they shall fall for your sake behold I have created the blacksmith who blows the coals of the fire who brings forth an instrument for his work for I have created created the spoiler to destroy no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which Rises against you in judgment you shall condemn in condemn in Jesus Jesus name this is the heritage of the Servants of the god and their righteousness is from me says the Lord do not give up this morning because the Lord is with you he’s talking to you he’s telling you that even though it may seem Bleak and disgusting and you are depressed press declare and decree everyday I’m more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus I’m the head and not the tail I’m above and not beneath. I’m A lender not a borrower I can do all things through Christ because tell you what even though you may not see the next $5 even though you may not see the money to pay your light bill even though you may not see the money to pay your car note just believe and keep declaring it may not happen today but if you believe all that you have been taught in for all that you have been asking God for all that you have been believing for it’s going to happen and he says to tell you this morning don’t give up because greater is he that’s in me than he that is in the world Hallelujah you have a great day