Posting mostly shorts as a new content creator doesn’t work for gaining watch hours.#youtube #motivation
what up what up what up what up what up
how you doing how you doing uh today I
Wanna Talk About
YouTube so you know everybody posting
videos on YouTube um they telling you
try this try that um some say post every
day post as much as you can some telling
you don’t post some telling you um it’s
all in the in the title and it’s all in
the in the um the
thumbnail etc etc let me tell you
something I work so hard and within two
weeks less than two weeks I got over a
thousand subscribers I think I’m almost
at 1200 right now but I kid you not I
kid you not
man that ain’t hard to get that ain’t
hard to get at
all the lose the hours that’s what’s
hard to get and I made a terrible
shorts I did mostly shorts to get to my
thousand view I did mostly
shorts but baby let me tell you man
these hours these watch hours are the
I tell you I tell you I tell you last
night I watch actually I’ve been
watching a whole bunch of videos trying
to figure out how the heck to get these
watch hours and I watch a guy last night
that actually I believe what he was
saying he talked about he talked about
title and he um talked
about the description I think he said
title description and thumbnail
um I think I think that’s it he’s
talking about actually key wordss to put
in your title and your description to
get you the views but he also talked
about something really important
and I find that that is so true what he
said is that when you post all these
shorts right the people who watch the
shorts they actually some of them sign
up to watch
shorts and
when they see your shorts they’re going
to view your shorts but these are the
kind of people who don’t want to sit and
watch anything for more than a minute or
a minute and a half right so when you
when you when you put out all these
shorts and you feeding these people
they’re satisfied but when you when you
just put these shorts out and you you
grasp that audience what happened to the
people who really want to watch
something you don’t have no content for
them right and not even that not even
that the people who watch your
shorts they ain’t looking for for for
long long form content they ain’t
looking for long form content and when
you grasp that
audience when you put out long form
content when these people see it they
they they’re going to swipe by they Ain
watching because they’re interested in
shorts right and when your channel is
known for
shorts that’s a hell of a thing cuz you
done set a foundation so now it’s hard
for you to move on and and and do long
videos I tell you something this my
first time actually sitting down and
trying to do a long for video
because I got to get it I got to get
these watch hours man there is money to
be made and there there content to be
given and there are people out there who
really want to hear about God or
whatever the heck I’m I’m prepared to
talk about
so listen I have to get used to sitting
down and what he was saying the video I
watch what he was saying is that you got
to practice to make sit down before the
camera and make at least eight minutes
worth of content which is is when you
used to making shorts that’s hard but I
know I’m talking to somebody out there
it’s not just me that have been making
shorts and I’ve I’ve gotten to the
Thousand subscribers but we need to get
these watch hours right and these watch
hours aren’t easy to get why people talk
about YouTube like YouTube is easy
YouTube a’t
easy it’s a lot of work it’s a lot of
work but I tell you something I feel
like I have enough in me that can help
somebody else just like how I’m watching
these videos and they’re helping me I
feel like I have enough content so that
I can help somebody else I tell you what
me you him over there that person over
there we all going to make it we all
going to get our watch hours and we’re
going to be able to make money just like
everybody else we’re going to be able to
continue to push our content out there
whether you’re talking about the Bible
whether you’re talking about Jesus
whether you’re talking about um YouTube
itself whether you’re talking about um
whether you’re teaching somebody how to
do something whether you’re you’re
making stuff
people need information and the way to
get information is by researching
YouTube because YouTube is is the number
one’s plat number two platform for
searches I think so Google is number one
YouTube is number two which is which is
owned by by um by Google anyway Google
know how to do it but I tell you
what my thing is I got to sit before
this camera and make these long form
long form videos and um I just thought
I’d come on here today and talk a little
bit about YouTube because people let it
look like YouTube is is easy but YouTube
ain’t easy man YouTube Ain’t Easy So
based on the video I watched last night
what he’s saying is that we have to
figure out how to put those those
keywords those
seos in our title on our description and
we got to have a good thumbnail
and thumbnail is not only he he was
saying that thumbnail is not about you
know what the next time I do a video I
got to mention this guy because he needs
his props and I actually left my other
phone in my bedroom so I can’t go get it
now but anyway um but was I saying um
everybody need their props but this guy
actually what he was saying is sit
before the camera fake do your do act
like you’re doing a podcast like a fake
podcast like it’s like basically what
I’m doing right now and just talk until
you get to 8 minutes look it’s over s
minutes I am realized I was talking that
long but um there was something else
that he said there was something else
that he said I lost my thought but
anyway he said um oh I remember he said
don’t people people people were all
fussy about how how my hair looks how my
background look this and that what
YouTube is looking for for right now are
people who are natural people who just
sit before the camera and just talk
people who are not who people who are
relatable right that’s the word people
who are relatable so somebody starts
watching your video and they realize
um what she talking about they sit down
because you look relatable and you sound
relatable so that’s that’s one of the
other things so just sit down before the
camera and appear relatable you don’t
need to have no fancy nothing behind you
right because these are the videos that
people are actually drawn to these days
he he basically just had had little
whiteboard that he was writing on and
you never know next time you see me I’m
going to have my little whiteboard cuz
I’m going to have something to talk
about and U I ain’t doing no more shorts
you know what I take that back I’m still
going to do my little shorts because I
find that when it comes to my prayers
that I put out the shorts are really
effective but
um any other content that I have to talk
about whether I’m going to bring the
word or maybe I I I have something in me
that I can tell somebody how to do or
show somebody how to do and end up
having um some kind of digital product
later who knows but tell you what
subscribe to my channel man I have
enough subscription but I I can still
take your subscription and view my
videos and share with somebody cuz you
never know maybe there’s somebody out
there that you know that’s struggling
for watch always just like I am shoot it
to them tell them watch this lady
because she talking some sense so um
until next
time you take care YouTube